SISC Anthem EAP provides confidential services and resources at no cost to employees
and family members of Pasadena City College. (Please note that you do not have to
be enrolled into Anthem to partake of the services)
Life can surprise you with its many ups and downs. That’s why the Employee Assistance
Program is here for you. Access confidential resources if you or a family members
need help with emotional, marital, financial, addiction, legal, or stress issues.
If you need counseling, you get up to 6 visits with a licensed professional. Counseling
sessions can be over the phone, in-person, and online. The EAP also offers Web-Based
tools and resources such as articles, checklists, quizzes, webinars, podcasts, eLearning
modules about everything from parenting, identity theft, to disaster preparedness.
How do I access the SISC Anthem Employee Assistance Program?
Help is available 24/7, 365 days a year by telephone at (800) 999-7222.
Resources are available online at Company Code SISC.